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Why RETHINK organization LLC?

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

I have spent my whole life preparing to launch RETHINK organization.

I was born for this.

While I wish I could claim it was truly planned, it wasn't really. But I have been doing this work since childhood.

RETHINK Organization LLC logo |RETHINK organization | Pittsburgh PA

Now, in my 40s, armed with years of corporate and professional experience and a Masters degree in project management, I can handle large, complex projects.

I have the empathy and compassion to handle small, personal projects as well.

Above all, I want you to know that you can tackle tough organization projects and my goal is to help you learn how.


In 2018, after 20 years in the energy industry working in technical jobs, information, database, general, and project management roles, and in sales, I was worn down.

I was tired of being driven by quarterly earnings and I wanted to use all those business skills to really help someone else.

Our family were in a safe place financially, so I resigned and took a part-time project management job at our church. I channeled energy and drive into a completely different kind of business.

I loved that work and the people but even that was not enough.

I remained restless.


We all have stories of the 2020 springtime lockdown, and of how people retreated into their homes and were forced to slow down.

It was scary and epic.

But it provided an opportunity to pause, reflect, and refocus.

I had a lot of time to think.

And rethink.

And I realized that the times in my life I have felt most alive and vital were when I was helping someone or something sort through or tackle challenges involving stuff.


Some of those projects were fun.

A childhood friend vividly remembers me coming to sleepovers at her house and cleaning out her dresser drawers.

During COVID quarantine, I led the family through reorganizing our garage, laundry room, attic, and sunroom along with my home office.

Some of those projects were hard.

Some years ago I helped a family member go through a 4-drawer filing cabinet following their mother's death when they could not face sorting through the seemingly endless papers left behind.

Some of those projects were business.

I established systems and coordinated the movement of a large file room of hard copy oil and gas assets during a major office re-location.

I sorted and categorized thousands of files left behind following a major office financial impropriety while maintaining legal obligations for state and federal court proceedings.

Some of those projects were sad.

A neighbor experienced significant health issues and their family could not travel to be with them. So, I was able to help sort mail, clear out their refrigerator, and sort myriad medications to keep them safe.

All of these projects brought me deep feelings of joy and peace.


It is an honor and a privilege to enter someone’s life for a time to help them through a tough season.

If I can do this for a living for the rest if my life, I will consider myself lucky.

It may be fun. It may be hard. It may be business. And it may be sad.

It will all be fulfilling for me.


When you're ready to tackle your tough organization project, I am here to help you learn how.

Let's RETHINK organization together.

For more information, visit the RETHINK website today.

Mandy Thomas Professional organizer | RETHINK organization | Pittsburgh PA

Mandy Thomas is a professional organizer fulfilling her lifelong passion for creating order out of chaos. She finds joy in helping people tackle their most overwhelming spaces and collections to create the optimal living space and enjoy their homes.

Professional organizing | RETHINK organization | Pittsburgh PA

RETHINK organization is on a mission to help you develop long-term patterns of organization that you can maintain and feel good about long after our work together is done.

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